Thursday, March 28, 2019

Google's Innovation

Technology has seen some of its most advanced and implemented advancements in recent history since possibly the development of some of the first tools.  The ways in which we use technology has drastically changed as well, for example we use communication outlets such as texting, email or social media websites such as Twitter or Facebook.  One of the biggest advancements made in the recent tech advancement timeline would have to be one department of technology in particular that could be associate with one company's name...  Google.

It is scary to think that there was a time when we couldn't just type in a question we had on our minds and instantly receive an answer, but such a time did exist and not too long ago.  The modern search engine market revolutionized how we can search for information, and Google pretty much dominates its entirety, and when I think of getting information online, it's the first place I'll go.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Promote Innovation

The Eight Values of Free Expression in this country hold a very important place in our daily life and development.  Of all of our free expression values I have come to the conclusion that our stance to promote innovation is above all else the most detrimental not only to the development of the country, but potentially the world as well.
Innovation promotes a distinct and interesting community in which peoples ideas are filled with diversity.

China is a good example of how the difference in freedom of speech and expression are way more limited than the US.  In retrospect it may seem like they are incredibly innovative, but in all honesty they really are mostly making stuff.  In China it is harder to work on innovating as they have censorships in place making it more difficult for people to express themselves freely, which has a negative effect on everyone.

With our freedoms, we are basically able to make whatever we want making it way easier to develop new technologies that influence our everyday lives such as phones, computers, but also things such as guns and weapons.  This also has to do with why we are so advanced high up in the world when it comes to warfare and our military efforts.

Arguably though, the most important ideas to spawn from this freedom are the innovations to everyday life that make day to day living better and easier.  We wouldn't have such social media networks as Facebook or YouTube, news wouldn't travel as fast, and we may not be so interconnected with each other an information

Approaching the Mediasphere

When we listened to our classmates present after my group in class I was most interested in what was said about the media sphere.  This gro...